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Gürsu’s Nights Will Be Illuminated by the Sun

Gürsu’s Nights Will Be Illuminated by the Sun
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Gürsu Municipality will both meet its own electricity needs with the electrical energy produced from the sun and will generate income from the sale of the electricity produced in the power plant.
The Gürsu Ericek Solar Power Plant, which was built by Gürsu Municipality with an investment cost of 8 million 248 thousand TL, will generate 75,000 kW of electricity per month by giving 607 kW of energy per hour to the system, and approximately 215 thousand TL will be generated from the system. Thanks to the power plant, an annual income of approximately 2.5 million TL will be provided.
Gürsu Mayor Mustafa Işık, who made an investigation at Gürsu Ericek Solar Power Plant together with Gürsu District Governor Naif Yavuz, said, “We have implemented our Solar Power Plant, which is both an income-generating and environmentally friendly investment, entirely with the equity of our Municipality. With our Ericek Solar Power Plant, we will both provide the electricity to be consumed by our municipality with the electricity we obtain from the sun, which is an unlimited energy source, and generate income by transferring the electricity that is not needed to the grid. In our age when the whole world is turning to energy systems that protect the nature, we will have produced our own electricity by establishing our Solar Energy System, which is a renewable clean energy source. With solar energy, which is an unlimited energy source as an alternative to the energies produced from limited natural resources, we will also eliminate the effect of harmful gases polluting our nature. Our Facility, which we created with the VAT exemption of approximately 1 million 350 thousand liras by making use of the investment incentive certificate, will amortize the investment cost within 4 years. Thanks to our facility, which is easy to maintain and operate, we will achieve high efficiency by producing with an unlimited energy source. It's good for our district," he said.
In Gürsu Ericek Neighborhood, the Gürsu Ericek Solar Power Plant, built on a 15-decare land, will produce for 30 years.

Gürsu Belediyesi Haberleri - Geri Gürsu Belediyesi Haberleri - İleri
