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The Transformation of Nature Was Welcomed with the Equinox Festival in Gürsu

The Transformation of Nature Was Welcomed with the Equinox Festival in Gürsu

Monday, September 26, 2022

In the Culture City of Gürsu, the transition from summer to autumn was welcomed with the Equinox Festival.
At the Equinox Festival, organized within the scope of culture and art activities organized by the Gürsu Municipality Directorate of Cultural Affairs, the young people celebrated the transformation of nature by having fun.
Gürsu Mayor Mustafa Işık, who had fun with the youth at the Equinox Festival held in Ericek Adrenaline Park by Gürsu Municipality, said, “We welcomed autumn with the enthusiasm and excitement of our youth, feeling the magnificence of the transformation of nature. Our country, with all its natural riches, gives us the unique beauties of every season to the fullest. With the feeling of what a blessing this is, we celebrated the arrival of the autumn season with our young people in the magnificent nature of our Adrenaline Park. We said hello to autumn with the energies of our young people that will light the future of our beautiful country in every season.”
The Equinox Festival, which was held with the participation of the AK Party District Organization, council members and Gürsu people, became colorful with the sunset watching, open-air movie screening, nature walk and Sefa Tatoğlu's concert.
In the event, which hosted joyful moments, the young people had fun by dancing and singing to the rhythm of the music, accompanied by the lake view and the lit fire.

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Gürsu Belediyesi Haberleri - Geri Gürsu Belediyesi Haberleri - İleri
